October 6, 2010 Directors Association Meeting Mid-Hudson Library System Auditorium
Meeting was called to order at 10:00 a.m. by Julie Kelsall-Dempsey.
Columbia County: Luisa Sabin Kildiss, Chatham; Sally Alderdice, Claverack; Carol Briggs, Hillsdale; Corey Fleming, Hudson; Jeannie Bogino, New Lebanon; Vicki Kurashige, North Chatham; Karen Garafalo, Philmont; Elizabeth Powhida, Valatie
Dutchess County; Phyllis Keaton, Beacon; Carol Rodriguez, Beekman; Terry Sennet, Clinton Corners; Glora Goverman, East Fishkill; Gregory Callahan, Hyde Park; Lisa Karim, LaGrange; Roger Cohn, NorthEast Millerton; Marguerite Hill, Pine Plains; Daniela Pulice, Pleasant Valley; Tom Lawrence, Poughkeepsie Public Library District; Erica Freudenberger, Red Hook; Steven Cook, Rhinebeck; Joanne A. Meyer, Rhinecliff; Arlene Christensen, Stanford; Matthew Pfisterer, Wappinger Falls
Greene County: Debra Kamecke, Cairo
Putnam County: Gillian Thorpe, Cold Spring; Carol Donick, Garrison; Frank Rees, Kent; Patricia Kaufman, Mahopac; Patti Haar, Patterson; Kathleen McLaughlin, Putnam Valley
Ulster County: Kelly Tomaseki, Esopus; Julie Kelsall-Dempsey, Highland; Margie Menard, Kingston Library; James Cosgrove, Marlboro; Tracy Priest, Phoenicia; Faith Johnson, Ulster; Kara Lustiber, West Hurley; Ruth Anne Miller, West Shokan; Amy Raff, Woodstock
Mid-Hudson Library System: Merribeth Advocate, Christina Ryan-Linder, Laurie Shedrick, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Action Items
S. Cook moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. T.
Lawrence seconded and the motion passed.
E-books for Overdrive: Moved by F. Johnson, seconded by P. Haar.
Discussion: $2000 in funding from Central Library may come as late as March 2011. The initial collection would be purchased using $50 from each member library. Motion passed.
MHLS Reports
MHLS Interim Director’s Report, Merribeth Advocate
A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting.
NYS Budget Update: MHLS has cut $172,000 from the 2010 budget. Their goal is to cut $235,000 from the 2011 budget. Although the incentive program has been cut, libraries should still submit expense claim forms in case this is reversed.
Change of DLD Regional Liaison: The new liaison, Lisa Areford, used to work at MHLS. Team leader Cassie Artale is now the person Lisa will go to with any questions.
Evaluation of Library Services: Member libraries are asked to assess the past year’s services from MHLS. This request will come in the form of both an action memo and an email. MHLS would like to hear from every director and every board president.
Plan of Service: Deadline is coming up fairly soon. Many systems in NYS have opted against developing a new plan of service because of the difficulty of planning within the funding situation. Conversely, MHLS feels that this is a crucial time to plan for the same reason.
Gates Grants: The next round of Gates funding will support Digital Literacy, particularly in the form of “Train the Trainer” sessions.
Changes in E-Rate are forthcoming and are being closely watched. The plan is to streamline the application process for libraries and hopefully these changes will be implemented within the year. It is a very good time for libraries not applying at all yet to get involved and also a good time for libraries who have previously applied to get in at the higher level.
RCLS: Is considering another migration and is planning to come to MHLS within the next couple of weeks to look at our system.
Executive Director Search: For those who are not aware, Merribeth is a candidate. The decision will be made before end of calendar year.
MHLS Board Liaison Report, Erica Freudenberger
A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting. The last meeting was Sept. 15. The next meeting is Nov.10.
State funding: MHLS has received 50% of 2010 funding from the state.
New director: The goal is for the new director to be in place by January 5.
May BOT meeting: The board would like to hold its May meeting at a member library. 4 libraries volunteered: Cairo, East Fishkill, Chatham, and Philmont.
Advisory Committee Reports
Central Library/Collection Development
The committee met on Sept. 23. It was a special meeting regarding the addition of e-books to Overdrive. Meeting minutes were posted online.
The next meeting is Nov.17.
Continuing Education/Professional Development
No meeting. No report. The next meeting is Oct.18.
Marketing and Program, Faith Johnson
The committee met on Sept. 21. Meeting minutes were posted online. The next meeting is scheduled for Dec. 10.
WOMM marketing: In the future, WOMM topics will be changed every two months instead of monthly.
Greening Your Library Challenge: The committee received both negative and positive feedback. Libraries interested in pursuing the 10% challenge should pursue the “Sustainable Hudson Valley” initiative+.
Secret shopper messages: Libraries were sent a “secret shopper”
message designed to show how it took for libraries to respond. This data will be used to help libraries improve their web presence.
New OPAC design: All directors should look at the new design and give feedback to Laurie.
Resource Sharing
No meeting. No report. The next meeting is Nov. 19.
Consultant Activities
Automated Systems Manager, Laurie Shedrick A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting.
Upcoming workshops: Millennium for Directors and Administrators, Talking Tech, and Create lists are all coming up.
Webinar on Library futures and emerging mobile technologies: Library services need to be better than free – convenience is a huge factor.
The popularity of 99 ¢ reference calls illustrate this. People may bypass free for convenient.
Access My Library: Kinderhook is using this app, which makes all Gale databases accessible to mobile devices. The user must be within 10 miles of the library and doesn’t need to authenticate or log in. As a region, MHLS will get stats for mobile usage, although they will not be library specific. Apps are available through Apple Istore or Android Market. Overdrive to mobile devices: direct download.
Holiday closings: Laurie would like director’s to think about holiday closings for next year.
Hold system: Laurie has requested input from directors on how well the hold system does or doesn’t work before the next meeting.
Youth Services Coordinator, Christina Ryan-Linder A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting.
SRP statistics: Have been reported to the state. Attendance is up, although fewer programs were offered.
Teen Outreach & Children’s services Roundtables: Will be held in November. The guest speaker at the Children’s Roundtable will address working with children (or adults) with special needs. Teen roundtable will be offered twice.
Top Web Sites Chosen by Teens: Have been posted.
Coordinator for Library Growth & Sustainability, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting.
Albany/Budget Update: Our message to legislators should now be that timing is everything for library funding right now. The ELFA bill vote must happen quickly.
Tax Cap Legislation: Coming next year. This will propose a 2-4% cap on 414 votes.
Political Action Committee for Libraries (PAC): Has created a grading system for legislators. All MHLS area legislators received Ds and Fs.
Rebekkah and Merribeth looking at why these grades were given and how to respond if these legislators call the local library. Because Rebekkah is on the council, we see information before people normally would. This is a good heads up, but also means that information that we get may not be completely defined.
DLD Representative: Should be contacted to if a library needs to change it’s charter: ie add or decrease the number of trustees, redefine charter location, etc. If you have one pending, call Bekkah or call Lisa directly.
Friends Group meeting: Moved back to Dec.14.
System Funding Task Force, Tom Lawrence
A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting. Committee met on Sept. 23.
Report and fee structure: Was endorsed by the committee. This structure is established and the same bill member libraries have been receiving during 2010 will continue to come during the next year. This is a firm figure for directors to use while developing next year’s budget. The committee is now working on a fee structure for 2012. The task force feels that MHLS should not continue to run a deficit budget. They should balance it. The diminishing fund balance coupled with loss of aid has shaped up to a very difficult budget year. The delivery fee which is now 21 ¢ per item, will go up to 35 ¢. This is a most likely a minimum fee for the next 3-5 years, although if budget changes occur, adjustments will be made. On average, libraries are looking at a 75% fee increase. Directors should be having discussions with their boards regarding the proposed fee structure. The task force wants to vote on this in November so that a presentation can be made to the MHLS board in December. This vote will be on 2012 budget only.
Cuts: It is not the role of the DA to make service cuts, but the DA would like the opportunity to give our opinion prior to cuts being made. The board is invested in this as well. MHLS is committed to keeping as many of the services which save money and help libraries connect and grow with their community, but this is a very lean year.
Questions: Is the board looking at ways to increase revenue by means other than fees? Is it possible to leverage MHLS’ position as one of the leading systems in the state to turn a profit? Expenses have been cut to the bone this year. Next year’s cuts will more directly affect services. Currently MHLS has the lowest staff FTE per member library than any other comparable system.
Formal Fact Sheet from MHLS: Fact sheet will indicate that the charge will be implemented no matter what the result of the vote is. The vote only allows the DA to have some say in how the charges are used. It is important to point out to boards that system is being proactive in addressing these issues a year in advance. MHLS will send the fact sheet to the directors list, then directors will have control over when and whether to give it to board members. Merribeth will send it out by the end of the week.
Fee Increases: MHLS board has commitment to give a one year notice to any fee increase. They are committed to honoring this and want to ensure that fees have been arrived at in a fair and open manner, and that the directors have had adequate input.
Old Business
Funding Task Force Recommendation: See task force report.
New Proposed Business & Information
Steering committee nominations: Columbia County – Carol Briggs; Greene County – Debra Kamecke; Dutchess County – Tom Lawrence.
Proposed meeting dates 2011: Attachment was circulated in advance of the meeting.
Holiday lunch: Information will be sent out by the end of the week.
Confidentiality issues: Staff should be reminded that information in Millennium is not to be used for personal mailings/contact.
S. Cook moved to adjourn the meeting. T. Lawrence seconded and the meeting was adjourned at11:44 am.
Respectfully Submitted:
Jeannie Bogino
New Lebanon Library