June 2009


June 5, 2009 Directors Association Meeting

Mid-Hudson Library System Auditorium



Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Pat Kaufman



Columbia County

Luisa Sabin-Kildiss Chatham, Julie Hamrah Johnson Kinderhook, Jeanne Bogino New Lebanon, Vicki Kurashige, North Chatham, Karen Garafalo, Acting, Philmont

Dutchess County

Phyllis Keaton Beacon, Terry Sennett Clinton Corners, , Gloria Goverman East Fishkill, Julie Spann Fishkill, Nancy Rogers Millbrook, Tom Lawrence Poughkeepsie, Tom Lawrence Arlington Branch, Steven Cook Rhinebeck, Joanne Meyer Rhinecliff, Matthew Pfisterer Wappingers Falls

Greene County

David DeShong Catskill, Linda Deubert Coxsackie

Putnam County

Maria Steinberg, Brewster, Jeanne Buck Carmel, Gillian Thorpe Cold Spring, Carol Donick Garrison, Frank Rees Kent, Patricia Kaufman Mahopac

Ulster County

Julie Kelsall-Dempsey Highland Clintondale Branch, John Giralico New Paltz, Faith Johnson Town of Ulster, Kara Lustiber West Hurley

Mid-Hudson Library System

Josh Cohen, Merribeth Advocate, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Laurie Shedrick


Action Items

T. Lawrence moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved. Julie Spann seconded and the motion passed.


Database cost share – moved by T. Lawrence, seconded by Julie Kelsall-Dempsey

Motion carried.


Moving meeting start time from 9:30 to 10:00 – moved by Julie Spann, seconded by Joanne Meyer. Discussion- we could get out later if we start later. A plethora of agenda items may slow us down, especially if there is no supporting information provided to engender discussion. Motion passes 20-5.


MHLS Reports

MHLS Executive Director’s Report Josh Cohen

Report circulated in advance of the meeting. Consolidation is a developing issue. Only affects Special District libraries. Not Association or School District libraries. Gates Broadband session reported on, including application for Federal stimulus money. Net lender libraries position will be discussed by the Mid-Hudson Board, perhaps to provide an incentive to them.


MHLS Board Liaison Report Frank Rees

No meeting. No report.

Next meeting July 8, Wednesday


Advisory Committee Reports

Central Library/Collection Development Josh Cohen

No meeting. No report.

The next meeting is scheduled for June 16.


Continuing Education/Professional Development Merribeth Advocate

New 2010 Continuing Education (CE) standard for new MLS graduates- CE attendance over each 5 year period. Should guidelines be adopted that MH libraries follow the state guidelines? Would it be supportive of Professional staff, or would involve Boards in a negative way? Should incentives be provided to encourage compliance? MH offers some incentives, but if many libraries participate, available funds will be small on a per-library basis. This would be a recommendation by the Directors Association, not a Mid-Hudson recommendation. Also, a request was made for a better definition of what Continuing Education is, in order to be more professional.

Referred back to committee for further analysis.


The next meeting is scheduled for Fall,2009


Marketing and Program Midge Quick

A written report of the April 17, 2009 meeting was circulated in advance of the meeting.

Next meeting is Thursday July 23, 2009.


Resource Sharing

ILL fines have been removed for organizational accounts. High demand holds- there is a handout discussing. Very customizable. Demo provided.


The next meeting is scheduled for August, 2009


Consultant Activities

Outreach & Education Coordinator Merribeth Advocate


Report circulated prior to meeting.


Coordinator of Membership Information Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

Federal stimulus money available will be tracked closely for availability.


Youth Services Coordinator

No report. New hire starts in July


Automated Systems Manager Laurie Shedrick

Demo of high demand holds feature in Millennium. Next iii update in July, followed by a structural change in how records are kept by Millennium. Due in Dec, 2009 or Jan, 2010.


Task Force on System Funding

T. Lawrence reported. Additional info attached. Recast the Sept. DA meeting as a retreat. To be held on Sept 3. How can conversation about System Funding be held? To discuss how the System got to where we are today, from where we came from. Conversations must be held to discuss where we want to go. Meeting would be from 10-3, with lunch. Goal- to have model for 2012 to handle state funding issues.

  • When do we involve Boards?
  • When do we make recommendations?
  • Focus groups?
  • Important for Directors to attend, Josh will send letter to Board to encourage attendance.



Old Business



New Proposed Business & Information


Library Thing/ Syndetics/ Content Café catalog enhancements. Information provided in packet. ? Moved to old business for next meeting


Change location for September meeting.


Change November snow date from 11/5 to 11/10.


Secondary email notification. Laurie discussed adding another field for email addresses. Field should be Y/N to approve contact by library for other than circulation notices. “E contact” is the title of field. Gives versatility and allows patrons to receive notices, but not to receive additional information if so desired. To be voted on in July.


Requiring Essential Training for Millennium Circ. Should be held in the fall. First in Dutchess at MHLS in September, Putnam and Greene to follow after. Columbia and Greene will be held in Germantown.


Update resource sharing standards. Circulation: Section 7b overriding of owing location’s item then saddles overriding library with responsibility.



Gloria Goverman moved to adjourn the meeting. The meeting was adjourned at 11:50


The next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday July 1, at 10:00 A.M.



Respectfully Submitted:

Steven Cook

Starr Library Rhinebeck