August 3, 2009 Directors Association Meeting
Mid Hudson Library System Auditorium
Meeting was called to order at 10:04 a.m. by Jessica Serrano.
Columbia County
Luisa Sabin-Kildiss Chatham, Sally Alderdice Claverack, Corey Fleming Hudson, Julie Hamrah Johnson Kinderhook, Jeanne Bogino New Lebanon, Vicki Kurashige North Chatham
Dutchess County
Phyllis Keaton Beacon, Carol Rodriguez Beekman,Gloria Goverman East Fishkill, Gregory Callahan Hyde Park, Lisa Karim LaGrange, Margaret Quick North East Millerton, Marguerite Hill Pine Plains, Daniela Pulice Pleasant Valley, Tom Lawrence Poughkeepsie, Mary Anna Egan Red Hook, Arlene Christiansen Stanford, Matthew Pfisterer Wappingers Falls
Greene County
Debra Kamecke Cairo, Linda Deubert Coxsackie, Barbara Flach Greenville
Putnam County
Jean Buck Carmel, Gillian Thorpe Cold Spring, Carol Donick Garrison, Frank Rees Kent, Patricia Kaufman Mahopac, Patti Haar Patterson, Kathleen McLaughlin Putnam Valley
Ulster County
Kelly Tomaseki Esopus Port Ewan, Julie Kelsall-Dempsey Highland Clintondale Branch, Margie Menard Kingston, Tracey Pause Hurley, John Giralico New Paltz, John Georghiou Plattekill, Jessica Serrano Saugerties, Kara Lustiber West Hurley
Mid-Hudson Library System
Josh Cohen, Christina Ryan-Linder, Merribeth Advocate, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Laurie Shedrick
Action Items
Two corrections were made to the July minutes. L. Karim was present at the meeting but was not included on the attendance list. D. Pulice corrected the spelling of her name (1 “l” in Daniela). T. Lawrence moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved with these corrections. D. Pulice seconded and the motion passed.
J. Serrano introduced introduced Corey Fleming, new director of the Hudson Library, and Christina Ryan-Linder, new Youth Services and Community Connections Coordinator at MHLS.
Resource Sharing Standard Update. Moved by T. Lawrence, seconded by D. Pulice. Motion passed to approve the following additions to the policy: As a general rule, libraries should not override messages and/or blocks. Only directors or their designated representative(s) can override messages, to prevent abuse. The director is responsible for all overriding done at their library and ultimately the overriding library can be held financially responsible if another library suffers loss.
Syndetics. Moved by T. Lawrence, seconded by J. Johnston. Motion passed to purchase Syndetics with the following five options:
- Cover images.
- Table of contents.
- First chapter and excerpts
- Series list
- Summaries
MHLS Reports
MHLS Executive Director’s Report Josh Cohen
A written report was circulated in advance of the meeting. Proposal to hold the September retreat at MHLS was rejected, however this proposal raises awareness of the mentality of board members regarding money requests. Retreat will cost $2500 taken from CE budget.
MHLS Board Liaison Report Frank Rees
The planned 7/8 meeting was cancelled – no quorum. The meeting was held on 7/28 – action items were approved
System Funding Task Force Tom Lawrence
A written report of the 7/31 meeting was distributed at this meeting.
The goal of the retreat is to broaden understanding of how the system is used. Specific system models will not be discussed at the retreat, but enough information will be provided to allow discussion to happen later. Action items that come up during the retreat will be noted and the task force will follow up.
Task Force members will facilitate the small group meetings at the retreat. Directors must register by August 17.
Advisory Committee Reports
Central Library/Collection Development
The next meeting is scheduled for 8/3.
Continuing Education/Professional Development
The next meeting is scheduled for 9/15.
Marketing and Program
A written report of the 7/23 meeting was circulated in advance of the meeting.
Resource Sharing
The next meeting is scheduled for 8/13.
Consultant Activities
Reports have been circulated.
Outreach & Education Coordinator: Merribeth Advocate
Incentive grant clarification. Three trustees do not have to attend the same session to qualify for the $100.00.
Coordinator of Membership Information: Rebekkah Smith Aldrich
Effective Meetings Workshop. Appropriate for anyone who attends meetings.
Youth Services Coordinator: Christina Ryan-Linder
Fall Into Books. Advance registration ends on Friday.
Automated Systems Manager: Laurie Shedrick
Release 2009. Although 8/25 and 9/1 were the planned dates for the upgrade, too many issues have surfaced. The upgrade will not happen until the system is ready.
Broken holds. These holds are not lost, they can be recovered. Millennium is working to create a fix for this issue.
Laurie has been named a functional expert for the Millennium users group.
Old Business
New Proposed Business & Information
Kids’ Port. Broken links have been fixed, additional sites have been added, and complaints have been addressed. C. Ryan-Linder will maintain the site. There is a concern that the link to Kids’ Catalog will not work on OPAC. The search function searches Kids’ Port only. 9/1 is the proposed roll out date. It is the choice of the individual library whether or not to link to the site. The url is Kidsport.midhudson.org
There is a recommendation to add a button to Kids’ Port to the Kids’ Catalog and to add the wording adding the wording “@ your library” to the Kids’ Port page . This will be voted on at the next meeting.
BookLetters E-Alerts. T. Lawrence would like to wait until December to roll this out. There are concerns that the wording is unclear on the “E-alerts sign up” button,that the use of E-alerts changes the use of the catalog, use of the catalog, and that items will appear on BookLetters that are not in the system. Any suggestions about BookLetters should be sent to Barbara Flach. The vote whether to turn the E-Alerts button on will occur at the October meeting.
Overdrive. It was suggested that the Central Library Committee make a recommendation for the DA, since there is so much dissatisfaction with NetLibrary. Not enough info yet for a general discussion on this topic.
J. Kelsall_Demplsy moved to adjourn the meeting. C. Rodriguez seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 11:10.
The next meeting is scheduled for 10/6.
Respectfully submitted:
Jeannie Bogino