October 2009


October 7, 3, 2008 Directors Association Meeting

Mid Hudson Library System Auditorium



Meeting was called to order at 9:30 a.m. by Steven Cook.



Columbia County

Luisa Sabin-Kildiss Chatham, Sally Alderdice Claverack, Carol Briggs Hillsdale, Greta Boeringer Hudson, Julie Hamrah Johnson Kinderhook,  Jeanne Bogino New Lebanon,

Dutchess County

Phyllis Keaton Beacon, Carole Rodriguez Beekman, Susan Totter Dover Plains, Gloria Goverman East Fishkill, Gregory Callahan Hyde Park, Marguerite Hill Pine Plains, Daniela Pulice Pleasant Valley, Tom Lawrence Poughkeepsie, Tom Lawrence Arlington Branch, Steven Cook Rhinebeck, Arlene Christiansen Stanford, Matthew Pfisterer Wappingers Falls

Greene County

Linda Deubert Coxsackie

Putnam County

Carol Donick Garrison, Frank Rees Kent, Patricia Kaufman Mahopac, Patti Haar Patterson, Kathleen McLaughlin Putnam Valley

Ulster County

Margie Menard Kingston, James Cosgrove Marlboro, Cheryl Bennin Milton, John Georghiou Plattekill,  Jessica Serrano Saugerties, Faith Johnson Town of Ulster, Kara Lustiber West Hurley, Amy Raff Woodstock

Mid-Hudson Library System

Josh Cohen, Margaret Keefe, Merribeth Advocate, Rebekkah Smith Aldrich, Laurie Shedrick


Susan Totter, the new director at Dover Plains was warmly welcomed.


Action Items

T. Lawrence moved that the minutes of the previous meeting be approved.  Patti Haar seconded and the motion passed without discussion.


System Wide Loan Rule Change

Resource Sharing committee agreed and recommends the DA adopt the new rule that each patron’s loan rules will be determined by the library checking out the book (the pick up location).  Motion was made by Patti Haar and Daniela Pulice seconded and the motion passed.  The date that this will be effective will be announced later.


The New OPAC was demonstrated.  http://midhudsonlibraries.org:2082/screens/newpacbw.htm for the black white version and http://midhudsonlibraries.org:2082/screens/newpac.htm for color version.


Suggestions include:

Move the search box into the middle of the screen at the top.

Add magazines and newspapers under “explore”

Discussion of “explore” and “enjoy” as words


Advanced page will be like the one in the children’s catalog but even better, with multiple options.  Click on “Search” to see it.


Changes will be made and the DA will view the website again.


Constructive criticism can be sent to Josh, Rebecca, or Laurie.



MHLS Reports

MHLS Executive Director’s Report Josh Cohen

A Written report was circulated in advance of the meeting.


No word on final LLSA funding.


The upgrade is not yet scheduled, but they predict it will be in November.  A discussion of the new graphics receipt printers was lengthy.


The Syndetics bill will be paid for this year.  In the spring we will examine other products.


The director assessment for MHLS was distributed to libraries.  Please provide feedback.


Next year is the 50th anniversary of MHLS.


MHLS Board Liaison Report James Cosgrove

The last meeting was September 17, 2008.  The Annual Meeting was October 3, 2008.  A written report was distributed in advance of the meeting.  The next meeting is scheduled for Saturday December 6, 2008.


Congratulations to Bobbi Clapp for winning the Joseph Shubert Library Excellence Award for HIP (Health Information Program).


Future reports will include who is attending the meetings.


Advisory Committee Reports

Central Library/Collection Development Pat Kaufman


The next meeting is scheduled for October 22, 2008.


Continuing Education/Professional Development Merribeth Advocate

The next meeting is scheduled for October 24, 2008.


Marketing and Program Midge Quick

A written report was distributed in advance of the meeting.


The next meeting is scheduled for December 11, 2008.


Target audience bookmarks are being created.  Examples include new residents, fire fighters, homeschool families.


Language learning bookmark draws attention to the end of Rosette Stone and directs patrons to the new resources and will be delivered in the boxes.


Review of book club in a bag procedure that goes through MHLS staff.  Please share this information with your staff.  More than 100 book clubs in a bag are available.


Resource Sharing

A written report was distributed in advance of the meeting.


The next meeting is scheduled for November 21, 2008


Material types for 16 mm films and phonographic records have been deleted.  Blu Ray DVDs are distinguished by their I-Type.


If cash is sent in the delivery box, a copy of the printout for the item.  Do not delete the item record.


“Updated by” in item and patron records was considered and rejected by the committee.


Consultant Activities

Automated Systems Manager Laurie Shedrick

There will be a representative from III at the Dutchess County Director’s meeting on November 14 at 9 am showing us optional modules that don’t need to be implemented system wide.  All are welcome to attend.


SAM user’s group is October 21, 2008, please bring your tech person.


New scopes are in, they are on the website at the very bottom of the list.  Laurie pointed out that they are not yet in the agreed order and that some names will be changed.  She demonstrated that there are Juvenile items showing up in the adult collection, etc.  Please examine your records to determine if changes to Location should be made.



Outreach & Education Coordinator Merribeth Advocate

Rosetta Stone is ending this month.  They are extending to the October 15th.  Please remove the icon from your independently maintained website in a timely fashion and link to the new language learning page.


The new offers from Rosetta Stone are:  Each library can buy in house use of Rosetta Stone for $75 per language per level and there are usually three levels per language.  This offer is only until the end of October.  Contact Jennifer Hannah (540) 236-5281, (800) 788-0822 ext. 5281.


They also offer course tickets.  This is a physical ticket that allows one patron to sign up for all levels of a language $6,248 for 50 tickets (for $200 each).  Tickets are good for one year for distribution and the patron can use them for one year once they sign on.


OPAC training is being offered by Sue Hermans in several counties.  The OPAC quiz resulted in a score of 65.  Please attend the program, and send your staff and appropriate volunteers.  Merribeth high recommends this course based on her experience with it.



Coordinator of Membership Information Rebekkah Smith Aldrich

Part II of the Essential Documents Inventory is due.  New policies have been added to it.  It will arrive toward the end of the year.


Please send updated board information to Rebekkah, and any other changes.  Sending it to her will update it across Mid-Hudson (OPAC and web site).  The “Across the Board,” and the Annual Meeting invitation goes to all board members.  The Board President gets the MHLS Bulletin as well.  CE workshops for board members go to all board members with an email.


System tour is October 15.  This is a great opportunity for your staff.


Please encourage your Friends groups to come to the Friends Matter group on October 22, 2008.  This is a combined event with the Friends Dinner and a program.  The dinner speaker is Marshall Karp author of The Rabbit Factory and Bloodthirsty, www.lomaxandbiggs.com.


The Small Libraries Roundtable is December 1, 2008 and the Adult Programmers meeting is December 3, 2008.


Youth Services Coordinator Margaret Keefe

Cold Spring won the Battle of the Books.  PPLD came in second and Coxsackie came in third. An organizational meeting will be offered on October 15 from 1-3 at MHLS.  This is an informational meeting, so please attend, even if you are just curious.


October 23 is the 10th annual Fall into Books at the Mount Saint Alphonsus Retreat Center in Esopus.  If you enrolled and you do not have email confirmation please contact Margaret.


Better Book Groups for Children and Teens panel discussion will be offered at MHLS October 29th


Friday November 21 from 10-12 Table talks will be offered at MHLS on a variety of topics.  Choose 4 of the 6 topics for a half hour each.


2009 Summer Reading Program materials are available.  Themes are “be creative” and “express yourself.”  An appendix may be developed for tying the Quadricentennial to your Summer Reading Program.


Columbia County has made a flat Henry Hudson.  Upper Hudson has purchased a doll for patrons to take on vacation.


Highsmith Upstart incentive catalogs and program manual will be delivered at MHLS at the end of October with a first deadline of December 1 with a March delivery.


The Traveling Pants were on display at the meeting.  The pants are going out to the libraries again.  There are openings if libraries would like to participate in this program.


New Proposed Business & Information

2009 Meeting Dates were distributed in advance of the meeting.  Moved by Tom Lawrence and Seconded by Frank Rees and the motion carried.


Steering Committee Nominations:

Jeanne Bogino, Columbia County

Dutchess County Steve Cook was nominated for a second term

Greene County will decide tomorrow


The vote will be done at the November meeting.


The Christmas party—Tom will not be here for the board meeting.  He will check with his staff as to whether they are willing to do it.



T. Lawrence moved to adjourn the meeting and the meeting was adjourned at noon.


The next meeting is scheduled for Friday, November 14, 2008.


A NYLA Benefits for Organizational Members presentation was given by M. Borges, Executive Director of NYLA.



Greta Boeringer

Hudson Area Association Library